Jospeh Zuken (1912 – 1986) was one of Winnipeg’s most effective and controversial politicians. He served for over 42 years as a school trustee and city councilor. For much of his political career he was attacked for his radical ideas. By the time he retired from public office many of his proposals had become accepted including kindergarten, free textbooks for school children, increased public housing, and urban development. He was instrumental in the establishment of Seven Oaks General Hospital.
Joe Zuken desired a better city, valued community service and devoted his public life to those goals. Since its inception, the Joseph Zuken Citizen Activist Award honoured individuals and groups that have made contributions or rendered service to the city in a variety of ways, particularly in areas that were of interest to Joe Zuken. These include education, social policy, justice and law, municipal government, the arts, and the Yiddish language and culture. The Award winner receives a cash donation to a charitable organization of their choice.
Past award recipients included:
Dorothy Betz, Sel Burrows, Olga Foltz, Kent Gerecke, Barry Hammond, John Loxley, Mount Carmel Clinic, Neechi Foods, Carl Ridd, Rossbrook House, Jim Silver, Tom Simms, Murray Smith, Leslie Spillett, Val Werier, Errol Black, Shirley Lord, Meet Me at the Bell Tower, Ma Mawi Wi Chi Itata, Roz Usiskin,
Mitch Bourbonniere and Harold Dyck.
The CCPA Manitoba is currently hosting the Joseph Zuken Citizen Activist Award and is seeking nominations from the community for individuals or community groups who contribute to making Winnipeg a better, more socially justice city, value community service and are devoted to the public good.
Deadline for nominations October 1, 2022.
The Zuken Award will be presented at the Annual State of the Inner City Report Launch 2022. Nomination form below. If you want to send additional documents with your nomination please send them by email to ccpamb@policyalternatives.ca with Zuken Nomination in the ‘subject line’. Mail in nominations also accepted: Zuken Nominations, 301 – 583 Ellice Ave. Winnipeg, MB. R3B 1Z7.