Take a survey January 30, and 31, 2020 and earn $25.00
Participation includes:
Interview (which will last for approximately 30 min)
$25.00 for your participation
Participation is voluntary
CCPA-MB is documenting the experience of workers that make minimum wage. Your information will be kept confidential. you will not be named in the report and we will not inform your employer that we spoke with you. We don’t anticipate your participation will affect your relationship with your employer.
If you are interested in participating please contact Ellen Smirl at ellen@policyalternatives.ca or call 204-927-3209.
This research project was approved by the University of Winnipeg’s Human Research Ethics Board (UHREB). If you have any concerns about your rights or your treatment as a participant in this study that the researcher has been unable to address, please contact the UHREB c/o Program Officer (204) 786-9058 or ethics@uwinnipeg.ca