Contract – Qualitative Research on Pay Equity in Manitoba
Goal: Lead qualitative research with women’s, gender-equity and labour groups on pay equity in Manitoba as part of a larger research project.
The Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives, Manitoba office (CCPA – MB) is an independent, non-partisan, charitable research institute concerned with issues of social, economic and environmental justice.
This contract for qualitative research on pay equity in Manitoba is part of a larger project, which includes quantitative research and analysis on pay gaps and legislative and policy responses. The qualitative researcher will lead the consultation with key organizations on pay equity and priorities for action, to be documented in the final report.
- Develop and submit Human Research Ethics application to the CCPA MB Human Research Ethics Committee for review. Make necessary revisions for approval (Research templates and support available for this process).
- Using a snowball approach, assemble a list of intersectional women’s/gender and labour groups and organizations to invite to participate in focus group(s) on pay equity and the pay gap in Manitoba, and public policy and legislative responses. Organize, host and facilitate the focus group(s).
- Summarize findings and write the qualitative section of the final report. The qualitative researcher will be a co-author of the report.
- Assist with the knowledge mobilization plan for the final report, specifically with the following activities:
- Letter to Minister(s) responsible and the opposition parties with an offer for presentation(s) of report findings
- Host follow up meeting with interested key and allied groups to map out next steps for action based on this research
The contractor will possess the following qualifications and skills:
- Graduate degree in social sciences with experience in qualitative research
- Intersectional feminist and class analysis
- Experience organizing, leading and facilitating focus groups or discussion groups
- Strong oral and written communication skills, including summarizing qualitative data
- Strong project management skills
Please note we require the contractor to have their own laptop and workspace. The contractor reports to the Director of CCPA Manitoba. Support and guidance is available for the tasks involved in this project. Public health directives at the time of the focus group will determine if the activity takes place online or in person. Hard costs associated with the focus group will be borne by CCPA Manitoba. The project has a budget for honorarium and supports to enable focus group participation (ie child care costs).
Proposed timeline:
- Human ethics application – end January
- Qualitative research focus groups- February 1 – March 11, 2022
- Summary of focus group findings – March 18, 2022
- Launch – end of April
- Follow up meetings – May/ June 2022
Compensation: $4,000. This is an independent contract.
Please send a proposal, including resume or CV to ccpamb@policyalternatives.ca with “Qualitative Research on Pay Equity” in the subject line.
Proposals due Monday January 17th, 2020 at 4 pm.
People who are First Nations, Métis, Inuit, Black, a person of colour, racialized, a person with a disability, and/or TSLGBTQ+ are encouraged to apply and indicate their identity in their proposal.
Thank you to all who apply, only those selected for an interview will be contacted.