Response to the Latest Gas Tax Cut Extension: Revenue needed to transition to affordable, renewable energy 

September 26, 2024  Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives – Manitoba  For Immediate Release (Winnipeg, Treaty One): On September 25th, Premier Kinew announced the gas tax would get extended for three more months until December 31, 2024. This is …

North End Connect: Transformative Research Toward Digital Inclusion

Shauna MacKinnon with Joel Templeman and Shanleigh Chartrand North End Connect was established during the COVID-19 pandemic by organizations situated on Selkirk Avenue. They were concerned about the pandemic’s impact on low-income households in the neighbourhood who were …

Adult Basic Education in Manitoba: “It’s Like, Life Changing!”

What could lead people to say such things as, “I can physically, like on every level, physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually, feel myself changing and transforming,” and “my peers, they see a difference, they see me more open and, …

Manitoba should end gas tax holiday

Press release sent on behalf of the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives – Manitoba, Manitoba Energy Justice Coalition and the Wilderness Committee Manitoba

Social Housing should be a priority in Manitoba

By Shauna MacKinnon Previously published in the Winnipeg Free Press January 29, 2024

New report on single-step union certification and anti-scab legislation in Manitoba

Open Letter to Premier Wab Kinew, Minister of Finance Adrien Sala and the Government of Manitoba:  Invest in Manitoba and reverse the tax cuts 

Add your signature here to endorse Open Letter to Premier Wab Kinew and the Government of Manitoba:  Invest in Manitoba and reverse the tax cuts  Dear Premier Kinew and the Manitoba Government, The public services that Manitobans count …

More than 20,000 committed child care spaces not yet delivered

Manitoba far from meeting its child care promises

Election 2023, Congratulations

October 6, 2023 Dear CCPA Manitoba supporters and followers, The election of Wab Kinew as the first, First Nations Provincial Premier in Canada is historic. Congratulations to Premier-Elect Kinew and the new Manitoba government. CCPA Manitoba congratulates the …

Manitoba Election Oct 3rd – Analysis for Progressives