North End Connect: Transformative Research Toward Digital Inclusion

Shauna MacKinnon with Joel Templeman and Shanleigh Chartrand North End Connect was established during the COVID-19 pandemic by organizations situated on Selkirk Avenue. They were concerned about the pandemic’s impact on low-income households in the neighbourhood who were …

Adult Basic Education in Manitoba: “It’s Like, Life Changing!”

What could lead people to say such things as, “I can physically, like on every level, physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually, feel myself changing and transforming,” and “my peers, they see a difference, they see me more open and, …

Response to Chief Smyth’s citation of CCPA MB published research 

Report Launch: Safer Schools Without Policing Indigenous and Black Lives in Winnipeg

This event will launch Fadi Ennab’s report, Safer Schools Without Policing Indigenous and Black Lives in Winnipeg in partnership with Police-Free Schools Winnipeg. Register for the event by clicking here.

How this tax season has impacted poverty

By Jerry Buckland

Remembering John Loxley

Taking Stock of Manitoba’s Social Housing Plan

Futures Forward Enhancement Project: Qualitative Research of Youth Housing First Pilot Project

By Rachel Antonia Dunsmore

Re-establishing their Lives: Issues Relating to Affordable Housing for Women and their Children Escaping Violent Relationships in Northern Manitoba.

By Allison Groening, Colin Bonnycastle,  Marleny Bonnycastle, Kendra Nixon and Judith Hughes