North End Connect: Transformative Research Toward Digital Inclusion

Shauna MacKinnon with Joel Templeman and Shanleigh Chartrand North End Connect was established during the COVID-19 pandemic by organizations situated on Selkirk Avenue. They were concerned about the pandemic’s impact on low-income households in the neighbourhood who were …

Adult Basic Education in Manitoba: “It’s Like, Life Changing!”

What could lead people to say such things as, “I can physically, like on every level, physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually, feel myself changing and transforming,” and “my peers, they see a difference, they see me more open and, …

Six Questions About the Future of Portage Place

Previously published in the Winnipeg Free Press April 29, 2024

The many consequences of austerity

Previously published in the Winnipeg Free Press April 5, 2024 By ORLY LINOVSKI In voting against the 2024-2027 municipal budget, Coun. Russ Wyatt stated that decades of low property taxes have resulted in “self-imposed austerity”, limiting the ability …

Time to give adult education a boost

By Jim Silver Previously published in the Winnipeg Free Press October 26, 2023

Progressive Conservative Tax Proposal Would Eliminate $1 Billion in Provincial Revenue by 2027, seriously jeopardizing health, education, and other core services

To date, the NDP fiscal plan leaves little room to expand spending on core services, while proposals from the Liberals will generate new revenue

Opposition Parties Need to Stand Firm Against Tax Cuts for the Rich

By Jesse Hajer

Budget 2023/24 Does not Make Up for Seven Years of Health Care Cuts and Privatization 

By Thomas Linner Manitoba health care is at a crossroads. From emergency care to home care, the entire system is at a breaking point caused by Pallister-era decisions to close emergency rooms and privatize services. Instead of stepping …

Brandon University Left Behind in Budget 2023  

By Zach Fleisher As the old adage goes, budgets are not only a financial blueprint for a government’s plan but also demonstrate their choices and values.

More of Budget 2023 tax changes go to Manitoba’s richest 10% than bottom 50% combined

Statistical analysis of the Manitoba Government Budget 2023 changes to the Basic Personal Amount (BPA) and income tax brackets find the top 10% are slated to get 26% of the total tax savings, equivalent to an average tax …