Join us for a series of online events on the second Thursday of each month from 7 pm – 8:15 pm on Zoom. Read more for details on each event and click on blue dates to register!

May 13: Bronwyn Dobchuk-Land on Defunding the Police: Who defines Safety
What could it look like to defund the Winnipeg Police Service and build alternative capacities in its place? This talk will provide an overview of some of the history, theory, evidence, and community safety practices informing local and global social movement demands to abolish the police.
Bronwyn Dobchuk-Land is Assistant Professor of Criminal Justice at the University of Winnipeg and a member of Bar None, a local abolitionist organization. She researchers criminal justice policy, community safety and alternatives to policing. Dobchuk-Land is a CCPA Manitoba Research Associate.
Questions about this series or other CCPA-MB related things, please email or call 204-927-3200.