Manitoba Research Alliance receives 12th annual CCPH award
Shauna MacKinnon, now with the University of Winnipeg’s Urban and Inner-City Studies, and Diane Roussin, of Ma Mawi Wi Chi Itata Centre, are in Corner Brook, NL, this morning accepting the award. Community Campus Partnerships for Health (CCPH) …
The Stop and the Community Food Centre Model
Event: Launch of The Stop Meet Nick Saul at McNally Robinson Grant Park on Thursday, June 6, from 7:30 to 9:30 pm. The event is free, and will take place in the store’s Travel Alcove Space. For more …
The PB Potential: Participatory Budgeting for Winnipeg?
PDF version Free event on participatory budgeting: April 30, 2013, 7pm, Carol Shields Auditorium, Millennium Library by Laura Rempel Citizens are becoming more aware of the importance of equitable and accountable city management and development. Attendees at a …
Moving Forward, Giving Back: Transformative Aboriginal Adult Education
PDF version by Jim Silver [Ed. note: Jim Silver’s Moving Forward, Giving Back: Transformative Aboriginal Adult Education (Fernwood: 2013), will be launched at McNally Robinson Bookstore today, Tuesday, April 23, at 7:00 pm] When she was 12 years …
Our Stories Heard Around the World
You are invited to the Framework Agreement Signing Ceremony KIP International School and Winnipeg Partners May 6, 2013 Circle of Life Thunderbird House 715 Main Street, Winnipeg RSVP to or call 204-927-3200
Our Stories Heard Around the World
You’re invited! CCPA-MB is having a community celebration to mark a new partnership with Universitas: a global information-sharing initiative that will connect Winnipeg inner-city stories with stories from around the world. Dancers, drummers, food and dignitaries will all …
Political Economy and Political Commitment: A symposium honouring Robert Chernomas
Political Economy and Political Commitment: A symposium honouring Robert Chernomas February 8, 2013 Room 307, Tier Building University of Manitoba
Report Launch – Losing Ground: How Canada’s Employment Insurance system undermines inner-city and Aboriginal workers
Full report The CCPA-MB will launch its report: Losing Ground: How Canada’s Employment Insurance system undermines inner-city and Aboriginal workers at 10 am, January 10th in room 104 at the Union Centre at Smith and Broadway. The report …
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