Trends in Residential Investment in Winnipeg

By Josh Brandon Manitoba cities inched towards higher density with more apartments and fewer single families homes built in 2013.  Growth in multi-unit residential construction should provide some relief on the critically low vacancy rates Manitoba cities have …

Housing Crunch Continues in Manitoba

By Josh Brandon Across Canada, housing prices slowed down in 2013, but in Manitoba, there are no signs of the housing crunch abating.  Last month, the average house price in Winnipeg surpassed $300,000 for the first time ever, …

Winnipeg and Manitoba Housing Data

Once again, here are the updated housing statistics for Winnipeg and Manitoba. CCPA-Manitoba compiles an annual update of housing data from a number of sources including Statistics Canada, CMHC, and the Province of Manitoba. This year’s update is …

Cities to gain new tool for creating affordable housing

by Josh Brandon The ability of municipalities to regulate, permit or prohibit certain types of development activities within their boundaries is one of the most powerful tools of local government. Through proper planning, local governments can help encourage …

Bylaw amendment puts the heat on landlord scofflaws.

By Tyler Craig Winnipeg is famous for its long and cold winters. It is a reasonable expectation for those who live in rental housing that part of their rent should cover heating expenses and their landlords would provide …

National Household Survey and Housing in Manitoba

By Josh Brandon Last week, Statistics Canada released data from the third and final instalment of its 2011 National Household Survey (NHS). The new data dealt with housing and income of Canadians. It is still unclear how compatible …

Out of Sight and Out of Mind: How (Not) to Solve Homelessness in Thompson

By Tyler Craig Housing advocates in Thompson are alarmed by a recent proposal by a group of business owners to push homelessness out of sight. Last month, a group of business owners in Thompson sent a letter to …

Film Review: The Pruitt-Igoe Myth

By Josh Brandon “It began as a housing marvel. Two decades later, it ended in rubble.” In 1972, the St Louis Housing Authority put dynamite to the massive Pruitt-Igoe housing complex, a social housing project that was once …

What government heard about Making Poverty History

By Josh Brandon, Housing and Community Development Researcher Last week, the Provincial government released the results of the consultations it conducted for its ALL Aboard: Poverty Reduction and Social Inclusion Strategy. In an introductory letter, Housing and Community …

Debunking Fraser Institute’s The Cost of Raising Children

A new report by the Fraser Institute claims the cost of raising a child is dramatically lower than many previous studies have found. The report concludes that raising children costs families $3000 to $4500 per year. Previous studies, …