Thinking Alternatives
This weekend the federal NDP will elect a new leader. Whoever party members choose to lead the NDP should take seriously Tony Judt’s 2010 book titled Ill Fares the Land. Judt argues that our inability to stop the destructive policies …
Canadians Deserve “A Budget for the Rest of Us”
PDF version Read the full Alternative Federal Budget. Lire l’Alternative Budgétaire Pour le Gouvernement Fédéral by Shauna MacKinnon As the federal government begins to reveal tidbits about what Canadians can expect in the 2012 federal budget, many of us …
“Radicals” need to turn up the heat.
By Lynne Fernandez I was listening to the CBC Radio business reporter explaining what was happening at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland. He was impressed by the number of billionaires who were present (I don’t remember …
Social Justice in Canada?
By Errol Black A 2011 OECD report on social justice in OECD countries ranks Canada, with a score of 7.26, in 9th place. The 31 countries were evaluated on the basis of six key measures: poverty prevention; access …
Connecting the Dots: The OECD report on poverty and Winnipeg’s inner city
by Shauna MacKinnon There has been much progress in addressing the issues facing Winnipeg’s inner city in recent years, but there remain many challenges. This reality frustrates no one more than those individuals working on the front lines …
The Globe and Mail’s Take on the Inequality Agenda
By Errol Black and Jim Silver On August 12, 2011, we published a Fast Facts titled, The Inequality Agenda and the Specious Ideas that Support It. In that article we cited a July 20, 2011 Globe and Mail article …
Do Social Mixing Policies Work?
by Jonathan Hildebrand PDF version Does social mixing as public policy result in more equitable cities, more culturally diverse neighbourhoods, and less social marginalization? These are some of the goals to which social mixing policies have aspired, but …
What is middle-class income these days?
On July 20th, CCPA- BC economist Iglika Ivanova posted her analysis of Statistics Canada data showing a breakdown of incomes in Canada and B.C on the BC blog, Policy Note We were inspired to examine how the distribution of …
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