What government heard about Making Poverty History

By Josh Brandon, Housing and Community Development Researcher Last week, the Provincial government released the results of the consultations it conducted for its ALL Aboard: Poverty Reduction and Social Inclusion Strategy. In an introductory letter, Housing and Community …

Debunking Fraser Institute’s The Cost of Raising Children

A new report by the Fraser Institute claims the cost of raising a child is dramatically lower than many previous studies have found. The report concludes that raising children costs families $3000 to $4500 per year. Previous studies, …

Poverty or Prosperity: Indigenous Children in Canada

PDF version by David MacDonald and Daniel Wilson As we celebrate National Aboriginal Day this year, we must also take the opportunity to consider the unacceptable conditions so many Canadian Aboriginal people struggle with. This reality is sadly …

Treating Poverty with Income

PDF version by Lynne Fernandez and Sarah Cooper A recent report [PDF] by the Manitoba Centre for Health Policy (MCHP) examines the health of tenants in Manitoba Housing. It finds that overall, tenants in Manitoba Housing have worse …

New Video! Breaking Barriers, Building Bridges

On October 13, 2012 an intergenerational learning and youth exchange took place at Circle of Life Thunderbird House in Winnipeg. In attendance were four elders and 30 students from Community Education Development Association’s (CEDA) Pathways to Education program, …

Migrant Voices: Stories of Agricultural Migrant Workers in Manitoba

PDF version For a copy of the full report, click here. [Ed. note: Yesterday the Province of Manitoba announced that it would extend health coverage to seasonal agricultural workers.] by Jodi Read, Sarah Zell and Lynne Fernandez Each …

Housing Housing Everywhere: One way to make some of it affordable

PDF version by Sarah Cooper The Province of Manitoba recently introduced a bill that would allow municipalities in Manitoba to encourage or require new developments to include affordable housing. This step will hopefully lead to a wider range …

The Tragedy of Phoenix Sinclair

PDF version by Jim Silver Media coverage of the Phoenix Sinclair inquiry has been quite thorough and often insightful. However, the bulk of the media coverage is missing the defining feature of the story. When that defining feature …

National Housing Day: Still waiting for a plan

PDF version by Shauna MacKinnon November 22nd is National Housing Day in Canada. Canada is the only country in the G8 that does not have a national housing strategy. There have been many attempts to rectify this in …

Keeping them at bay: Practices of municipal exclusion

PDF version Full report by Ian Skelton Control over the use of land is politically charged, and has frequently led to cases of unfair treatment in the courts and human rights tribunals. Rulings have found that many cities …