Time is Now for 2020 Vision: Need Manitoba Climate & Social Action Budget

Newcomer families: The role of housing and wrap around supports in Winnipeg

IRCOM staff and participants. By Jill Bucklaschuk As housing advocates across the country recognize National Housing Day on November 22nd, we must continue to acknowledge the central role of housing in building inclusive communities and seek ways to …

When does Temporary become Permanent?

By Lynne Fernandez and Nicole Smith Each year up to 400 mostly Mexican workers come to Manitoba under the Seasonal Agricultural Workers Program (SAWP) to work on local farms. They perform physically strenuous work on vegetable farms and …

The First Rung on the Ladder Community-Based Literacy Programming in Public Housing Complexes

By Jim Silver A wealth of evidence—both global and local—confirms the value of literacy, and the importance of programs that promote literacy. This is especially the case for low-income individuals and communities, for whom gains in literacy can …

18 Prominent Manitobans Fail the Canada Challenge

The ancestors of 18 prominent Manitobans would all be turned away if they applied today to immigrate to Canada.  That was the finding of the first Manitobans to take The Canada Challenge, a quiz that all Canadians were …

Manitoba’s Proactive Enforcement of Temporary Foreign Worker’s Rights is a model for Canada

By Julie Guard Canada’s Temporary Foreign Workers Program (TFWP) has become a hot potato for the federal government, which is frantically attempting to quell widespread outrage sparked by revelations of Canadians fired to be replaced by cheaper, more …

Temporary Foreign Workers: How federal settlement policies overlook some newcomers

By Zoё St-Aubin and Jill Bucklaschuk Manitoba has embarked on aggressive immigration strategies to attract newcomers to settle in a variety of communities in the province with the purpose of meeting local labour force demands. In response to …

Migrant Voices: Stories of Agricultural Migrant Workers in Manitoba

PDF version For a copy of the full report, click here. [Ed. note: Yesterday the Province of Manitoba announced that it would extend health coverage to seasonal agricultural workers.] by Jodi Read, Sarah Zell and Lynne Fernandez Each …

End of Immigration?

Manitoba Preview of  The End of Immigration Monday, October 29 at 7:00 p.m. Ellice Theatre at Ellice and Sherbrook By Lynne Fernandez Every year thousands of migrant workers come to Canada to do the work Canadians don’t want …