Is It Time To Repeal Balanced-budget Legislation In Manitoba?

by Errol Black and Shauna MacKinnon In a recent review of income inequality in Manitoba, we compared Manitoba to Canada.  The comparison showed that in 2010 “Manitoba was the most equal province before taxes and the third most …

Income Inequality: Manitoba can do better

by Errol Black and Shauna MacKinnon The Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives has been documenting the rise in inequality in Canada since 2006. More recently, the Conference Board of Canada and the OECD have confirmed this trend. These …

The Cost of Learning – How does Manitoba rank?

PDF version by Shauna MacKinnon In the report titled Eduflation and the High Cost of Learning, CCPA researchers David Macdonald and Erika Shaker developed a Cost of Learning Index to examine the affordability of higher education across Canada. …

Manitoba’s NDP: Time to return to its social democratic roots

PDF version by Errol Black and Jim Silver In June 1969, Manitoba elected Canada’s first NDP government and Manitoba’s first social democratic government. The NDP has since become the dominant political party in Manitoba, winning 8 of the …

There’s No Place Like Home: Housing in Manitoba

Housing is an important issue here in Manitoba. Watch and share our short video to learn why housing is important, what housing challenges many Manitobans face, and what should be done about it. [youtube=]

DIDG Licensed: Little Saskatchewan River Unprotected

PDF version by Ruth Pryzner On the day the Fast Facts titled Will the Province Protect the Little Saskatchewan River? was published, the Daly Irrigation Development Group (DIDG) was granted Environment Act license No. 3010. Two days earlier …

Congratulations Darlene Dziewit – Order of Manitoba

by Errol Black I was pleased to read in today’s Free Press that Darlene Dziewit was invested with the Order of Manitoba.   When I first met Darlene in the late 1970s she had just been appointed a union …

Will the Province Protect the Little Saskatchewan River?

PDF version by Ruth Pryzner The beautiful Little Saskatchewan River (LSR), recognized as a unique habitat for endangered, at-risk and common species, winds its way through Keesekoowenin First Nation and the towns of Minnedosa, Rapid City and Rivers …

Anti-unionism at Heart of Free Press Argument

By Lynne Fernandez For such a short article, the June 29th editorial: Do not further inflate Bipole III raises an impressive array of questions and concerns. First of all, according to reports from the Floodway Authority (and as …

Impasse between Winnipeg and Province calls for bold action

by Errol Black and Lynne Fernandez In recent months there have been demands from many quarters that the Manitoba government increase the provincial sales tax by one percent and turn over the roughly $265 million in proceeds to …