How to make a low income bus pass work

By Ellen Smirl A year after announcing a 25-cent a trip fare increase, mayoral candidate Brian Bowman has promised to create a low-income transit pass if he is re-elected mayor on October 24th. This is great news because …

Hope on the horizon? What the federal poverty plan means for Manitoba

By Molly McCracken The federal government released its national poverty reduction strategy “Opportunities for All” last month. The plan has implications for the soon-to be released Manitoba poverty reduction plan. The federal and provincial governments must take serious …

Winnipeg Without Poverty: Calling on the City to Lead

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE [May 2, 2018]: Make Poverty History Manitoba launched it’s city poverty reduction plan Winnipeg Without Poverty: Calling on the City to Lead at 10am, May 2. This report, endorsed by more than 90 organizations, calls …

He Had a Dream

By Jim Silver Fifty years ago, April 4, 1968, Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated in Memphis Tennessee. James Earl Ray was convicted, but as Angela Davis said, “racism was Martin Luther King’s assassin.”

Community Economic Development in Manitoba and the Inclusive Economy

By Sara Wray Enns Manitoba is a province of economic growth and economic disparity. It is a province with low unemployment rates, diverse development and incredible resource wealth. On the flip side, Manitoba has continuously had some of …

Low income Manitoban’s falling behind in 2018

By Josh Brandon As we roll into 2018, low income Manitobans are falling further behind. While minimum wage in Ontario went up on January 1 to $14 per hour, in Manitoba it is stuck at a poverty level …

No Poverty Reduction Strategy in Speech from the Throne

By Josh Brandon Tuesday morning, I received a phone call from a Make Poverty History Manitoba member. He lives on a disability benefit that provides him only $180 per month for food and other basic necessities. He wanted …

Funding Community Strength in North Point Douglas

By Kate Sjoberg and John Hutton First published in the Winnipeg Free Press June 15, 2017 It may seem unusual for an organization that works with incarcerated men to take a position in support of a program that …

The Pallister Government and the Path to Reconciliation Act

By Shauna MacKinnon On Friday May 26, I attended an impromptu event organized by supporters of the North Point Douglas Women’s Centre.  The event was held to show support for the Centre, which was reeling from the news …

Budget 2017: No strategy no change to poverty

By Josh Brandon Low income Manitobans were hoping that this year’s budget would offer a plan to help lift them out of poverty. A well-funded strategy with targets and timelines for its implementation and for reducing poverty would …