North End Connect: Transformative Research Toward Digital Inclusion

Shauna MacKinnon with Joel Templeman and Shanleigh Chartrand North End Connect was established during the COVID-19 pandemic by organizations situated on Selkirk Avenue. They were concerned about the pandemic’s impact on low-income households in the neighbourhood who were …

Six Questions About the Future of Portage Place

Previously published in the Winnipeg Free Press April 29, 2024

Hard Infrastructure, Hard Times

First published in the Winnipeg Free Press, Tuesday August 24, 2021 By Jesse Hajer, Jennifer Keith and Michael Conway

Lynne Fernandez Executive Policy Committee presentation November 28, 2019

Manitoba Hydro – the long view

US Democrat Bernie Sanders recently put forward a proposal to nationalize US electricity utilities. He sees nationalization of electricity production as a way to ensure that everyone can afford this essential service and he – and others, see …

Transportation Equity & the Low Income Bus Pass

Presentation to the City of Winnipeg Council

Manitoba Climate & Green Plan – presentation to committee

  By Molly McCracken Climate change poses extreme risks for all our families, communities and province. As elected officials you represent all Manitobans and have a responsibility to act in the face of threats. The United Nations International …

How to make a low income bus pass work

By Ellen Smirl A year after announcing a 25-cent a trip fare increase, mayoral candidate Brian Bowman has promised to create a low-income transit pass if he is re-elected mayor on October 24th. This is great news because …

Winnipeg: Where the buildings have no names and the streets have no crossings

By Doug Smith Nearly forty years ago, in March 1979, Winnipeg city councillor Joe Zuken led a band of a dozen or so pedestrians in what is likely to have been city’s most celebrated act of jaywalking. The …

Should the City of Winnipeg subsidize high-end housing downtown?

By Shauna MacKinnon On Thursday September 20, Winnipeg City Council will vote on a motion to clear the way for True North Square (TNS) to receive an $8 million subsidy through the City’s Tax Increment Financing (TIF) program. …