4 Things to Know about Women and Homelessness in Canada
By Sadie McInnes Anywhere between 30,000 and 200,000 people are homeless in Canada, with another 1.7 million unable to afford adequate, suitable shelter. Winnipeg in particular has a history of housing shortages and inner-city poverty. In 2015 it …
Communities leading the way need provincial support
By Greg MacPherson and Molly McCracken The province has invested widely in community development and “place-based” approaches to renewal and poverty reduction, with many positive results. Place-based approaches such as these are now being adopted in communities across …
Fight food insecurity with income
By Molly McCracken The rise in food costs disproportionately affects the poor as food makes up a larger portion of their spending. Increased income, educational programs and northern food subsidies need to work hand in hand if the …
The Next Step: Literacy Programming in Manitoba
Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives – Manitoba new publication release: Low levels of adult literacy in Manitoba are a barrier to full participation in our society. Easily accessible supports, located in low-income communities are needed to address this …
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