Cuts to community groups would send wrong message

Previously published in the Winnipeg Free Press June 25, 2024

August 25, 2023 Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives – Manitoba research, published in 2017 in collaboration with Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs, suggests that the costs of the landfill search for Morgan Harris and Marcedes Myran are dwarfed by …

Re-establishing their Lives: Issues Relating to Affordable Housing for Women and their Children Escaping Violent Relationships in Northern Manitoba.

By Allison Groening, Colin Bonnycastle,  Marleny Bonnycastle, Kendra Nixon and Judith Hughes

Black Lives Matter in Canada, as well

By Robyn Maynard It is not too soon to express the view that the police killing of Machuar Madut, 43 year old father of three, living with mental health issues, and facing possible eviction – was unjustifiable and …

All Aboard! Moving Transportation Equity Forward in Winnipeg

By Ellen Smirl Transportation is essential for getting almost everything we need in our daily lives. Finding a job or getting to work, getting groceries, seeing friends and family, accessing healthcare or social services all require the ability …

Amy Goodman fills the house Sept 29th

Amy Goodman, Democracy Now! Stories of Democracy Resistance and Hope presentation at Knox United Church, Friday Sept 29th. See story in the Manitoban here. Photos by Leif Norman

Angela Y. Davis – a primer

By Bronwyn-Dobchuck Land On Saturday, May 6, 2017, Dr. Angela Y. Davis will deliver a talk in Winnipeg at Knox United Church titled Race, Resistance, and Revolution: Freedom is a Constant Struggle. She will be hosted by the …

Winnipeg Women speak out on Homelessness

Artwork by Jackie Traverse By Jenna Drabble This winter, a 53 year-old woman died overnight in minus 32-degree temperatures, frozen to death on the streets of downtown Winnipeg. This tragic and preventable loss serves as a reminder of …

Violence Against Trans People in Canada: A Primer

By Sadie McInnes The word trans is used to describe, “Someone who presents, lives and/or identifies as a gender other than the one they were assigned at birth” (O’Doherty 2016: n.p.). It is also an umbrella term for …

4 Things to Know about Women and Homelessness in Canada

By Sadie McInnes Anywhere between 30,000 and 200,000 people are homeless in Canada, with another 1.7 million unable to afford adequate, suitable shelter. Winnipeg in particular has a history of housing shortages and inner-city poverty. In 2015 it …