Social Enterprise Video

Employees from BUILD and Manitoba Green Retrofit share their experiences working at social enterprises and the impacts this is has in their lives and communities. This documentary short includes highlights of the CCPA Manitoba study “Creating Pride Through …

Growth Charges: All Winnipeggers have a stake

First published in the Winnipeg Free Press Aug. 23, 2016 By Christina Maes Nino The issue of development fees has made headlines again as the consultant hired to take on another study of growth financing in Winnipeg, Hemson …

New Report: Social Housing With Supports – The case of WestEnd Commons

By Jess Klassen Since late 2014, twenty-six families in Winnipeg’s inner city have been living in a new, supportive social and affordable housing complex called WestEnd Commons. The innovative development was retrofitted in the 100-year-old St. Matthew’s Anglican …

Poverty Policy Choices and Winnipeg’s Inner City

By Jim Silver Provincial government policy can be designed to punish those in poverty, or to reduce poverty. Both approaches have been tried in Manitoba, the first in the 1990s and the other more recently. We can compare …

Communities leading the way need provincial support

By Greg MacPherson and Molly McCracken The province has invested widely in community development and “place-based” approaches to renewal and poverty reduction, with many positive results. Place-based approaches such as these are now being adopted in communities across …

Who’s Doing What about Poverty Reduction?

By Shauna MacKinnon For Manitoban’s concerned about poverty, there will be much to consider when sorting through political party platforms and promises in search of a meaningful poverty reduction plan. Poverty alleviation is a long-term proposition. No provincial …

Regulating Fringe Banking in Manitoba: a work in progress

By Seed Winnipeg Since 2007 the Manitoba government has undertaken a series of steps to regulate fringe banks. Arguably this is contributing to the common good, because of the growth of fringe financial services and the process of …

The Next Step: Literacy Programming in Manitoba

Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives – Manitoba new publication release: Low levels of adult literacy in Manitoba are a barrier to full participation in our society. Easily accessible supports, located in low-income communities are needed to address this …

Mothering Project: Effective prevention with vulnerable families

By Carole O’Brien  “The root causes of neglect—including poverty, poor housing, food insecurity, and substance abuse—lie beyond the scope of the child welfare system to resolve. But a collaborative approach, working with parents and harnessing the collective resources …

Gains are Being Made: The State of the Inner City Report 2015

By Jim Silver First published in the Winnipeg Free Press Dec 10, 2015 It has recently been claimed in the media that nothing is working in the fight against poverty. The Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives’ State of …