Stop the Cheques, Invest in Education Instead

Previously published on March 4th in the Brandon Sun and Winnipeg Free Press 

Manitoba Government Ignores Evidence For Supervised Consumption Sites

By Thomas Linner,

Province can tackle fossil-flation with local clean energy  

Previously published in the Winnipeg Free Press February 24, 2023 By Hannah Muhajarine,

Whose Freedom?

As published in the Winnipeg Free Press, February 16, 2023

Budget Submission 2023/24

Manitoba Needs Programs like BUILD

A version of this article was published in the Winnipeg Free Press January 11, 2022

Manitoba refuses to lower child care fees

November 30, 2022For Immediate Release (Winnipeg): Across Canada, parents see their childcare fees drop. Butthis is not happening in Manitoba. More than a year after the Manitoba government signedonto the federal government’s national child care agreement, families in …

Stop the Education Property Tax Cut until We Have a Better Plan. 

Lions Place Housing Crisis: What the Manitoba Government can and must do

By Shauna McKinnon

MB “Family Affordability Package” inadequate to deal with the rising cost of living – CCPA MB Response 

August 31, 2022  For Immediate Release (Winnipeg, Treaty One) – The Manitoba government’s announcement today is insufficient to address the impacts of inflation on Manitoba families.  Families with children: It is regressive for public funds to provide a …