Changes in practices necessary, if serious about reconciliation

By Anne Lindsey Offer money to leaders in a cash-poor community to gain support for a resource extraction project. Publicly shun and disenfranchise individuals who don’t agree. Deceive people into signing their support without full information. Divide the …

Green New Deal Needed in Canada Too

By Hannah Muhajarine First it was 44 million, then 66 million and now 78 million tonnes of C02: every year Environment Canada increases the amount by which Canada is projected to miss its Paris Agreement target [i]. “Transitions …

Inconsistent Information For Environmental Review: Frac Sand Mining in Manitoba

By Don Sullivan Update from “What the Frack is Happening in Manitoba” Nov. 22, 2018 The corporation proposing a major mining operation on the shores of Lake Winnipeg is not providing accurate and timely information. This is …

State of the Manitoba Economy: Assessing the Real Challenges

By Lynne Fernandez First published in the Winnipeg Free Press December 18, 2018 As reported in the Free Press,  Brian Pallister is “fixing the province’s finances”, with what he calls small, gradual funding cuts. Two questions arise from …

What the Frack is Happening In Manitoba?

By Don Sullivan Manitoba is poised to be a major Canadian player in providing large quantities of silica sand used in hydraulic fracking by the oil and gas industry. This presents major risks that should be fully explored …

How to make a low income bus pass work

By Ellen Smirl A year after announcing a 25-cent a trip fare increase, mayoral candidate Brian Bowman has promised to create a low-income transit pass if he is re-elected mayor on October 24th. This is great news because …

Manitoba’s Climate & Green Plan: Catastrophic Failure of Leadership

By Mark Hudson Last week, the Manitoba government announced it would amend Bill 16, the “Climate and Green Plan,” to eliminate its flat $25/tonne carbon tax, leaving it essentially empty of any real action on climate change. Just …

Legacy of departed life-long activist at risk with possible reversal of pesticide ban

By Anne Lindsey I went to visit a friend and colleague recently – someone I hadn’t seen for awhile. Sandra Madray was in the final stages of cancer. She was dying. I was shocked and deeply saddened to …

A Comparison of the Carbon Tax Rebates to Families in Manitoba and British Columbia 2017

By Harvey Stevens, When British Columbia introduced its carbon tax, it provided a rebate to families to offset the higher cost of goods and services created by that tax. It designed it as a refundable tax credit that …

Climate Plan Fails on Carbon Tax Basics

By Mark Hudson First published in the Winnipeg Free Press Oct. 5, 2017 A draft “Climate and Green Plan Town Hall Toolkit” circulated within the Manitoba government proposes a flat $25 carbon tax. While this is only a …