Speaking UP 2021

Join us for a series of online events on the second Thursday of each month from 7 pm – 8:15 pm on Zoom. Read more for details on each event and click on blue dates to register!

Living Wage for Manitoba 2020

Living Wage for Manitoba Update 2020 – Summary

Manitoba’s Losing its Edge: It’s time to Reject Austerity

By Jesse Hajer First published in the Winnipeg Free Press March 3, 2020

Austerity, round two

By Jesse Hajer

UNSPUN 2019: Taxes and Deficit in Manitoba

By Jesse Hajer

Increasing Benefits for Low-income Manitoba Renters Through Rent Assist

By Josh Brandon and Jesse Hajer

Social Impact Bonds: A Costly Innovation

by Jesse Hajer Social Impact Bonds or ‘SIBs’ are a relatively new mechanism for governments to fund social services, but since being introduced they have been controversial, due to higher costs and payments to private investors. Despite funding …

Will SIB’s Deliver Less for More in Manitoba?

By Jesse Hajer On Wednesday October 18th, the Province of Manitoba announced that it had hired the MaRS Centre for Impact Investing to design a “made-in-Manitoba” Social Impact Bond strategy. Social Impact Bonds (SIBs) are a relatively new …

Freeze to Squeeze

First published by CBC Manitoba online Saturday Oct. 29 By Jesse Hajer and Zac Saltis Governments have often turned to investments in higher education to generate hope and opportunity for young people and others seeking better jobs and …