A Province with No Poverty

By Shaun Loney The so-called war on poverty has been an abysmal failure.  Poverty rates in Canada remain at stubbornly high levels.  Most provinces, including Manitoba, still have about one in 10 living below acceptable low-income cut-offs. Low-income …

Honouring the memory of Phoenix Sinclair: Our collective responsibility

By Shauna MacKinnon “The social and economic conditions that render children vulnerable to abuse and neglect are well beyond the scope of the child welfare system” (Hon. Ted Hughes, Commissioner, The Legacy of Phoenix Sinclair: Achieving the Best …

Upstream thinking, healthy society and reviving Canadian democracy

By Dr. Ryan Meili Social factors play a significant role in determining whether we will be healthy or ill. Our health care is but one element of what makes the biggest difference in health outcomes. This has been …

Workplace Safety a motherhood issue? Not yet.

By Jean-Guy Bourgeois and Keven Rebeck Download the PDF In Manitoba, messages about the importance of workplace health and safety are hard to miss. The SAFE Work campaigns run year-round by the Workers Compensation Board are trying to …

Debunking Fraser Institute’s The Cost of Raising Children

A new report by the Fraser Institute claims the cost of raising a child is dramatically lower than many previous studies have found. The report concludes that raising children costs families $3000 to $4500 per year. Previous studies, …

It is time for a ban on cosmetic pesticides

PDF version by Josh Brandon Manitoba Conservation and Water Stewardship Minister Gord Mackintosh has announced legislation on cosmetic pesticides that will finally bring Manitoba into step with the majority of other provinces in Canada. This is a significant …

Treating Poverty with Income

PDF version by Lynne Fernandez and Sarah Cooper A recent report [PDF] by the Manitoba Centre for Health Policy (MCHP) examines the health of tenants in Manitoba Housing. It finds that overall, tenants in Manitoba Housing have worse …

The Stop and the Community Food Centre Model

Event: Launch of The Stop Meet Nick Saul at McNally Robinson Grant Park on Thursday, June 6, from 7:30 to 9:30 pm. The event is free, and will take place in the store’s Travel Alcove Space.  For more …

Shannon’s Story: Hope and Healing

PDF version by Shannon Buck and Jennifer Rattray On Saturday, April 13, 2013 women and men will come together to Move for Hope, a one hour workout to raise money for women’s shelters here in Manitoba.  Shannon and …

Political Economy and Political Commitment: A symposium honouring Robert Chernomas

Political Economy and Political Commitment: A symposium honouring Robert Chernomas February 8, 2013 Room 307, Tier Building University of Manitoba