Land Back:

Unsettling the original injustice By Andrée Forest. First published in The Monitor Nov/Dec issue Land back. Two words simple in premise and profound in meaning.  These two words get at the essence of the original injustice between our …

Reforming Education in Manitoba

Previously published by CBC online November 21, 2021 By Jim Silver

Education Property Tax Cuts Worsen Income Inequality in Manitoba

By Molly McCracken

How this tax season has impacted poverty

By Jerry Buckland

Time is Now for 2020 Vision: Need Manitoba Climate & Social Action Budget

Reducing drug and Mental Health Harms: State of the Inner City Report 2019

Ellen Smirl Public Works Presentation November 28, 2019

Lynne Fernandez Executive Policy Committee presentation November 28, 2019

Transportation Equity & the Low Income Bus Pass

Presentation to the City of Winnipeg Council

Q & A: Minimum Wage & $15/h Wage in Manitoba

Who earns a minimum wage in Manitoba? What are the benefits to a $15 minimum wage in Manitoba? The benefits of gradually phasing in a $15 minimum wage would be far-reaching: The 5.4% of workers who earn minimum …