Nova Scotia Education Overhaul a Cautionary Tale for Manitoba
By Molly McCracken and Pamela Rogers
Brad Wall Hydro Report Brings Privatization Failures to Manitoba
By Molly McCracken, CCPA Director February 26, 2021 For Immediate Release (Winnipeg): The province of Manitoba’s commissioned Economic Review of Bipole III and Keeyask report by Brad Wall recommends privatization of Manitoba Hydro, the province’s cherished, publicly-owned crown …
Manitoba leaving money for health care, long-term care, housing and essential worker supports on the table – new CCPA National report
By Molly McCracken from David Macdonald’s report
Province has financial room to end the suffering
By Molly McCracken
Transportation Equity & the Low Income Bus Pass
Presentation to the City of Winnipeg Council
What is happening to public education in Manitoba?
By Molly McCracken School trustees are consulting with parents and stakeholders for this upcoming year’s school budgets while they seem to be under attack by the provincial government. Education Minister Goertzen had heated exchange with Winnipeg school trustees …
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