Work Life: A Roadmap for Adult Education in Manitoba

By Jim Silver Manitoba is awash with problems. Many have been allowed to grow for decades. There is no quick fix. However, one part of a longer-term solution—and governments really must begin to think longer term—is an enhanced …

Winnipeg poverty reduction plan needs financial commitment

By Shauna MacKinnon and Desiree McIvor

Reforming Education in Manitoba

Previously published by CBC online November 21, 2021 By Jim Silver

Nova Scotia Education Overhaul a Cautionary Tale for Manitoba

By Molly McCracken and Pamela Rogers

How this tax season has impacted poverty

By Jerry Buckland

Time is Now for 2020 Vision: Need Manitoba Climate & Social Action Budget

Transportation Equity & the Low Income Bus Pass

Presentation to the City of Winnipeg Council

Valuing the Voice of People Living with Disabilities in Manitoba

By Carlos Sosa Recently the Manitoba Government made a decision to reject a core funding application from the Manitoba League of Persons with Disabilities (MLPD) for the 2018-19 fiscal year. It can be very difficult for an organization …

State of the Manitoba Economy: Assessing the Real Challenges

By Lynne Fernandez First published in the Winnipeg Free Press December 18, 2018 As reported in the Free Press,  Brian Pallister is “fixing the province’s finances”, with what he calls small, gradual funding cuts. Two questions arise from …

Why is milk so expensive in First Nations Communities?

By Mengistu Wendimu and Annette Aurélie Desmarais This study finds milk is significantly costlier in First Nations communities than in Winnipeg and Northern Manitoba. The cost was higher in First Nations with and without access to an all-weather …