National Household Survey and Housing in Manitoba
By Josh Brandon Last week, Statistics Canada released data from the third and final instalment of its 2011 National Household Survey (NHS). The new data dealt with housing and income of Canadians. It is still unclear how compatible …
Warning: Social housing crisis ahead
Last week, the Winnipeg Free Press ran an important feature on a federal program that funds social housing across Canada, called the operating grants program (Rent hikes loom for thousands, August 16). The program covers part of the …
Federal Off-loading Hurts Us All
PDF version by Molly McCracken Federal funding cuts will be top of mind at the Premiers’ annual in-person meeting July 25th to 26th in Niagara-on-the-Lake. However it remains to be seen if Premiers will address the off-loading of …
The Loss of Subidized Housing Through Expiring Operating Agreements
PDF version by Sarah Cooper The ongoing expiry of social housing operating agreements is becoming a more prominent issue across Canada. As these agreements expire, many housing providers are finding that they cannot afford to provide the same …
Bill C-400: An opportunity lost
by Clark Brownlee and Donna Minkus It is disappointing that Bill C-400, the private member’s bill attempting to introduce a national housing strategy in Canada, has been defeated. While its demise was not unexpected it was interesting that …
Excuse me, Canada, your homelessness is showing
PDF version by Sarah Cooper Dear Canada, This is a little awkward, but I wanted to let you know before it gets any worse: your homelessness is showing. It used to be that Canada had hardly any homeless …
CETA Could Damage Manitoba’s Economic Prospects: Report
Full report by John Jacobs and Lynne Fernandez A trade deal with the European Union (EU) that’s being negotiated behind closed doors today could damage Manitoba’s manufacturing sector, says a report by the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives’ …
Social Impact Bonds
PDF version by John Loxley Introduction Social Impact Bonds (SIBs) are a relatively new method of funding and delivering social services. Under this approach the private or social sector finances and delivers services under contract to the public …
Canada-EU Trade Deal Bad for Manitoba
PDF version by Lynne Fernandez and John Jacobs Recent leaks from the negotiations between Canada and EU confirm concerns that a comprehensive economic and trade agreement (CETA) would infringe on Manitoba’s ability to promote economic development and advance …
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