Manitoba’s Budget 2017/2018: When no news is bad news
First published on CBC Manitoba blog April 12, 2017 By Lynne Fernandez The government was well aware that many were dreading yesterday’s budget: Non-profit organizations, healthcare workers, educators and public sector workers in general were bracing for Filmon …
Fudging numbers presents distorted picture
By Lynne Fernandez In Aiming for ‘average’ could help Manitoba, Peter Holle resorts to sleight of hand to convince us that Manitoba’s public sector is responsible for the province’s budgetary shortfalls. He states that the size of province’s …
Pulling back the curtain on University budget reports
By Cameron and Janet Morrill The need to “tighten our belts” is heard so often in the public sector, it is pretty much accepted without question. This is certainly the case for Canadian universities: actions such as raising …
Provincial Budget Consultation submission from CCPA Manitoba
This is the presentation Lynne Fernandez, Errol Black Chair in Labour Issues made in person for the Provincial Budget Consultation on October 26th, 2016. Minister Friesen and Panel Members, thank you for inviting me to present this …
Budget 2016: the waiting game
By Lynne Fernandez It will take more than one budget – hastily prepared – to fully appreciate the Conservatives’ master plan, but the Throne Speech, a fiscal update and Ministerial mandate letters tell us what we should be …
What We Need in the Throne Speech
By Jim Silver An issue that needs to be addressed in the forthcoming Throne Speech on November 20th, is the persistence in Manitoba of a deep, complex and damaging poverty. Important gains have been made in recent years …
Outsourcing Under Scrutiny
By Lynne Fernandez There has been a greater tendency for governments to outsource, and the City of Winnipeg is no exception. Outsourcing can be complex and lack transparency, particularly when public-private partnerships (P3s) are used. Under a P3, …
The High Cost of Low Taxes and Urban Sprawl
By Lynne Fernandez Much of Winnipeg’s infrastructure is in desperate need of repair or replacement. The City’s 2009 administrative report found that just to maintain our existing infrastructure in its current state required $2.1 billion be spent over …
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