A Written Presentation on Bill 35
THE CROWN LANDS AMENDMENT ACT (IMPROVED MANAGEMENT OF COMMUNITY PASTURES AND AGRICULTURAL CROWN LANDS) How will the changes reflected in Bill 35 affect the Community Pastures Program, part of what was the federal government’s Prairie Farm Rehabilitation Administration …
Balanced Budget Legislation – presentation to committee
The Fiscal Responsibility and Taxpayer Amendment Act, Bill 27, Manitoba Presented by Lynne Fernandez, Errol Black Chair in Labour Issues, CCPA MB. Submitted October 24, 2018. The Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives (CCPA) is an independent research institute …
Manitoba Climate & Green Plan – presentation to committee
By Molly McCracken Climate change poses extreme risks for all our families, communities and province. As elected officials you represent all Manitobans and have a responsibility to act in the face of threats. The United Nations International …
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